
hacky client to work with the async IB API based on their sample code

Primary LanguageJava

Interactive Brokers API

The IB API is a client side asynchronous API that lets users talk to a local IB Trader Workstation process in order to control all aspects of their IB brokerage account.

What is this

This is a hacked up client that allows you to download batches of historical data using your existing IB brokerage account. It is largely based on the sample API client provided by Interactive Brokers.

How to run

Follow instructions from IB to coonect to your local IB TWS process.

  1. launch TWS and login; make sure setting allows you to connect via API
  2. run the main class in ApiDemo.java
  3. connect via the configured port as in your TWS settings.
  4. use the historical data panel to download batches of historical data configured in the MarketDataPanel.java class. a. you need to set the bar size and history period etc. from the UI.