
Implementation and testing for algorithms used for the traffic assignment problem.

Primary LanguagePython

Road Traffic Equlibrium

Implementation and testing for 3 algorithms used for the traffic assignment problem.



The project was developed with:

  • Python 3.10.2
  • Pip 21.2.4

Install packages:

To restore packages run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run project:

Running env:


Running MyPy;

mypy main.py


snakeviz .\tmp\tmp.prof

Save installed packages:

To save the packages installed in the project run:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

How to read data files:

Data files can be found at src/data/<city-name>.

  • <city-name>_net.tntp - Network
  • <city-name>_trips.tntp - Demand
  • <city-name>_node.tntp - Node Coordinates
  • <city-name>_flow.tntp - Best known flow solution

For more info go to Transportation Networks Repository.