Even simpler integration with Slack's Incoming/Outgoing webhooks API for .net
- You must first enable the Webhooks integration for your Slack Account to get the Token. You can enable it here: https://slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook
- Slack.Webhooks depends on RestSharp
Package is hosted on Nuget and can be installed from the package manager:
PM> Install-Package Slack.Webhooks
Then, create a SlackClient with your Webhook URL.
var slackClient = new SlackClient("[YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL]");
Create a new SlackMessage
var slackMessage = new SlackMessage
Channel = "#random",
Text = "Your message",
IconEmoji = Emoji.Ghost,
Username = "nerdfury"
By default the text can contain Markdown but this default behaviour can be disabled:
slackMessage.Mrkdwn = false;
More info on message formatting can be found in the Docs
Attachments can be added to a message:
var slackAttachment = new SlackAttachment
Fallback = "New open task [Urgent]: <http://url_to_task|Test out Slack message attachments>",
Text = "New open task *[Urgent]*: <http://url_to_task|Test out Slack message attachments>",
Color = "#D00000",
Fields =
new List<SlackField>
new SlackField
Title = "Notes",
Value = "This is much *easier* than I thought it would be."
slackMessage.Attachments = new List<SlackAttachment> {slackAttachment};
Please see the Docs for further info on attachments.
And Post it to Slack