
Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.

Steps to Run the App Locally:

Clone the Repository. cd your-repository.

Install Dependencies: ### npm install

Start the Development Server: ### npm start

Open in Browser: Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to see the app.

How to Contribute:

Fork the Repository.

Create a New Branch.

Create a new branch for your changes.

Make Changes.

Commit Changes.

Push Changes.

#Create a Pull Request:

Go to your fork on GitHub. Click "New Pull Request." Submit the pull request.



  1. If I had more time, I would have added TypeScript to the project for better code structure. Also, I would have used the React Test Library to thoroughly test the Mention component. Both of these are new to me, so I wanted more time to get comfortable with them.

  2. Currently, the styling is done right in the code. With more time, I would have made it more organized and easier to manage in the future.

  3. I believe the Mention component could be more organized and reusable. Given the chance, I would have refined its structure to make it versatile for different uses.

  4. I would have coded the project to match the Figma design.