
Technical challenge for kotlin interview that i'm using now as coding playground

Primary LanguageKotlin

2-hour technical challenge for WizeLine interview that i'm using now as coding playground

Task requirements:

  1. Based on the response of BooksClient.getTopRatedBooks() display a list of books with the name of its author
  2. Request the rating of each book by calling BooksClient.getRatingForBook(bookId) and add the information to each book item
  3. Create a dropdown where the user can select a Category from the list of books that they obtained and filter the list to only show books on that category


  • MVI + Flow
  • Kotlin
  • full Kotlin dsl migration
  • coroutines (basic)
  • Groovy DSL (groovy_dsl_impl branch)
  • Dagger + ViewModelFactory
  • DiffUtils with RecyclerView adapter
  • multi gradle file configuration for separate tasks and properties