Work Shop Unit Testing

This project makes part of an internal presentation focused on Unit testing, feel free to fork and play with it.

App Description

App used to buy items on a store, here we have lot of discounts you can enjoy.

Create an invoice with the selected products
Calculate price applying each product's discount
Calculate total applying coupon discount
Calculate total subtracting products prices from user cash

How to buy

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "products": [
    "cash": 50000,
    "coupon": "YYYYY"

Test cases

When the user buys a product that is not in the stock, then this product price is not subtracted from user cash
When the user buys a product available in stock that has %20 of discount, then discount should be subtracted from product price.
When the user does a valid buy, then an invoice should be generated
When the user buys with a coupon, then coupon value should be subtracted from total price
When the user buys a product with no cash, then buy should be canceled
When the user buys a product, products units in stock should decrease
When the user buys a product with an invalid coupon, then no coupon discount should be applied to total
When the user buys more units than the available in stock, then only the available units should be taken into the total calculation