
Python script to check if websites are up, send email if down/up

Primary LanguagePython


Python/bash script to check if websites are up every 5minutes, send email if down/up.

Follow the details from the official website for how to send email by SendGrid


Verify your single sender before sending your first email by SendGrid


Deploy to Linux

expose the key to Linux os so that Python can access vis os module

export SENDGRID_API_KEY='SG.F--...Y'

Run at linux terminal every 5 minutes

x=1; while true; do echo $x;python3 web-chk.py; (( x++ ));sleep 300; done

Deploy to GCP Cloud Function

  1. Create Function with 2 variables: SENDGRID_API_KEY SENDGRID_EMAIL_ADDRESS
  2. copy the code from file gcp-function-web-chk.py
  3. Create Scheduler => pub/sub */5 * * * * to trigger the function

Simple version as bash script

refer to the bash-chk-web.sh file

Known issues:

  • SendGrid doesn't support multiple recipients in the current Python module
  • It can't send any email if I make the sendgrid api call as a function in Python3