Resurrection Remix Source

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Getting Started

To get started with the Resurrection Remix sources, you'll need to get familiar with Git and Repo.

How To Build Resurrection Remix ROM - Tutorial

Build Environment

  • Operating system – Tested on Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 and 13.10 (64-bit)
  • Terminal
  • Decent hardware (minimum of at least a dual core CPU and 4 GB of RAM)
  • Optimally have an SSD (standard mechanical drives work as well but slow down the process drastically)
  • Must have required packages for building installed, I will list them further down

Required Packages

Simply copy and paste this in a terminal window:
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

Let that install and then proceed.

More copy and paste:

 $ sudo apt-get install bison g++-multilib git gperf libxml2-utils

Getting the Source

  • Make required directories
  • Obtain repo binary
  • Add repo binary to your path
  • Give repo binary proper permissions
  • Initialize empty repo
  • Sync repo

Alright, so now we’re getting there. I have outlined the basics of what we’re about to do and broke them down as I know them. This is all pretty much going to be copy/paste so it’ll be fairly difficult to screw this up :)

Make directory for repo binary
  $ mkdir ~/bin
Add directory for repo binary to your path
  $ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
Download repo binary and place it in the proper directory
  $ curl > ~/bin/repo
Give the repo binary the proper permissions
  $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Create directory for where the RR repo will be stored and synced
  $ mkdir ~/RR
  $ cd ~/RR
Initialize the RR repo and download the manifest
  $  repo init -u -b lollipop
Sync source
  $  repo sync
To build Resurrection Remix ROM
  $ cd ~/RR
  $ . build/ && brunch <device>