The color section represents the set of colors available to create the site's theme, from primary to tertiary colors, with their respective variations. When customizing your theme, the keys on the objects will indicate which property should be used in the global style sheet. If there is any very specific customization, please contact the ThirdEarth development.
General background of the site use
Only Banner and navBar( for the navBar, the color is primary when its in '/' path)
Announcement container
ship setting menu
checkout form button
secondaryButton (secondary button is the main button using in pages like a home, login, register, contact, logout)
secondaryButton hover use
Expires Modal
BebackSoon component
secondary text color is using in every places that background color is not [webSiteBackgroundColor],
success message
error message
info message
warning message
The font block brings the two possible font groups that the site can use, [primary] being the first option and [secondary] the option that will be loaded if the primary is unavailable
The block of font size brings a list of sizes for the site's font, where:
titles h1(are the main message, like displayed in banner 'Hosting the future starts here')
h2 (is used for the majority sub title. Ex: 'What is Urbit?' or 'Why urbit')
h3 (are the headers used on cards that describe the details of the urbit. Like what is the urbit id, the os urbit) use
Hero image functionality is now available for some components. Currently available the banner and the section whyUrbit. However, images need to meet some requirements to take full advantage of the functionality and provide a good end-user experience.
It is necessary to remember the contrast that must exist between the background image and the text on it. When a background image is being used, the default color of the text is the one with the secondaryText key, in this case, the chosen image should make a contrast, improving the user's view.