
My personal vim configuration.

Primary LanguageVim script

My $HOME/.vim in Git.

This configuration is designed to be useful for working with C/C++ as well as dynamic languages like Ruby, Javascript, and Python.

Plugins are managed using vim-plug.

Most of the settings use sensible.vim as a baseline.

Instalation instructions

This repository is meant to be persionalized. It is by no means generic and should not be directly cloned from my repository. Please fork this repository before installing it.


My configuration assumes the following conditions:

  1. Python 2.7 or greater is installed (currently only tested with python2.7)
  2. Pylint (for plyint based syntastic support)
  3. Ctags is installed.
  4. Vim is compiled with support for the following features:
    • Python interpreter
  5. Powerline fonts should be installed. This config uses the powerline version of SourceCodePro.
  6. (Non-Windows systems) fzf
  7. (Non-Windows Systems) YouCompleteMe

Alternately: NeoVim is used with python plugins.


  1. Clone your forked repository to ~/.vim. or ~/.config/nvim
  2. Then symlink vimrc and gvimrc to ~/.vimrc and ~/.gvimrc respectively. (Vim Only)
  3. Launch Vim and run PlugInstall to get all updated plugins.


First thing to do is get the prerequisites. This can be done using either chocolatey or individual installer packages. Chocolatey is recommended for personal use environments.

Install Prerequisites Using Chocolatey

Get Chocolatey then install the following packages:

  • choco install git
  • choco install python
  • choco install vim
  • choco install ctags

Cscope does not yet have a package on Chocolatey so it will need to be installed manually.

Pre-reqs Manually

My configuration is designed for use with Git for Windows and the latest version of Vim from the Cream project. It also requires ruby (downloadable at rubyinstaller.org) and python.

After installing the above packages ctags can be found for download at the ctags sourceforge page. Simply download it and copy ctags.exe to C:\Windows.

Getting the Repo.
  1. Clone your forked repository to ~/vimfiles.

  2. For Windows 7 use mlink to create hardlinks between the vimrc/gvimrc files in this repository and the _vimrc/_gvimrc files in the home directory. (VIM only)

> mklink /H _vimrc vimfiles\vimrc
> mklink /H _gvimrc vimfiles\gvimrc

If mklink will not work (Windows XP and lower), simply copy the included vimrc and gvim rc files. But be careful! Changes made to the _vimrc and _gvimrc files will not be propagated back to your repository, you will need to change them manually.

Note: Windows does not support fzf file finding or YouCompleteMe auto completion.

Included Plugins

Installed plugins can be found in bundles.vim


This plugin allows several methods for out of system override all from the local directory.


This is a place to install extra plugins that might need to be local to a speicif machine, or for testing plugins/bindings that do not yet need to be uploaded to the repository.


This is a single vim-plug plugin that will be loaded last in the search order. It is meant for additons that are added after vim plugins are loaded. Again this is meant for snippets/other plugins that should not be committed to the root repository.


This file is an extention of the vimrc/init.vim file that will be sourced after the main init.vim/vimrc file has been sourced. It will execute immediately at the end of init.vim but before all plugins are loaded.