BioPass - BioMetric Verification Authentication System

BioPass is a program designed to allow a user to log into a variety of applications and services from a catalogued list via biometric authentication. Merely submitting the text-based authentication information for a specific service or application allows for security breaches and the possibility of many users the ability to access a single user’s account. Authentication via biometric analysis allows for a secure solution to this issue and ensures that only a registered and verified user may access a specific service or application, as well as removing the burden of maintaining separate passwords for each. BioPass is user friendly and allows a user to bypass the hassles and potential hazards of navigating to a specific service or application and manually entering text-based login information.

 Application Functionality

BioPass allows a user to log into select applications that are supported by the BioPass application in fully automated fashion. User’s must verify their identity via various forms BioMetric verification based on desired security level, specifically some combination of fingerprint, facial, and iris biometrics.

Additionally user’s can update existing credentials for these applications once they are logged in. They can view all applications that are supported by BioPass by pressing the Show Apps button, which then sorts these applications into separate lists depending on whether or not the logged in user has credentials saved for these applications. Pressing this button again, which should now be labeled Hide Apps, will hide this view. The apps list is presented in an interactive view, meaning a user can click any application to edit the credentials of selected application. User’s can press the Security Level button to select high, medium, or low security forms of BioMetric authentication to undergo. At time of login the predefined security level begins a linear BioMetric Verification process, which prompts a user to input, depending on their BioMetric selections, either a real-time fingerprint scan or a real-time facial picture. These inputs will then be compared to the BioMetric collections stored within the SQLite database that BioPass utilizes. User’s may forego one form of BioMetric authentication by inputting their pin.

Getting Started

 BioPass Installation

The installation of BioPass is fully automated. If you are not operating under a Windows Environment then installation will be aborted. It is only available in English and it creates a database based on a build script to allow for such automation.

After you install BioPass, the application will recognize that there is no data in the database, thus prompting the user to register. If you do not have a webcam or other computer-connected camera, as well as a fingerprint scanner, then initial BioMetric Data Collection at time of registration will not be possible, and thus aborted when attempted.

 BioPass Uninstall

When uninstalling BioPass all local data will be lost. Database information will be deleted, which includes; BioMetric data collections, user specific application credentials, and user account information.. See Backup and Recovery section of the User Manual if you wish to maintain this data when uninstalling.

System Requirements

Users of this product will be running within a Windows operating system, have webcam or other computer-connected camera, and a fingerprint scanner.


User registration

To register a user to the BioPass application simply press the Add Account button.You will then be prompted to enter your name and you will be assigned a pin number, unique to the user. BioPass does not ask user’s to select a password, but this unique pin number essentially serves as an assigned password for users. BioPass will then collect a series of BioMetric Data unique to the user for future BioMetric comparative purposes.

BioMetric Data Collection

After entering your user name and being assigned your pin number, Initial BioMetric Data Collection will begin. Ten images of the user’s index finger and ten images of the user’s face will be collected and stored within our SQLite Database. This data will then be used for user verification based entirely on the identification of a user’s BioMetric properties by comparing realtime images to that of the user input in this initial BioMetric Data Collection. There are three forms of BioMetric verification that BioPass utilizes; fingerprint, facial, and iris.


Installation and maintenance is fully automated. The database is built at time of installation via build scripts.
Data is stored within a SQLite database. Data within the SQLite database is all some form of user input, excluding the user pin number, which is created and assigned by BioPass application before it is entered into the database. BioPass will store and transmit all digital identification data securely. Data is encrypted via the Data Protection API and stored within SQLite. No personal user data is sent unencrypted through web. Users cannot directly access data stored within database.

Logging in

After the initial user data collection a user will be able to log into catalogued applications supported by BioPass in fully automated fashion following a variety of forms of BioMetric verification based upon desired security level. Following successful verifications of a user’s identity, a user will select an application to start. If the selected application is catalogued then the selected application will launch and be logged into by way of retrieving usernames/password from our SQLite database and placing this information into the associated fields of the selected application. User verification is performed by manner of undergoing two of the three forms of BioMetric identification. As an alternative to one form of BioMetric verification, a user may verify their identity by entering their unique user-pin, which is assigned at time of account creation.

Application Credentials

After the initial user data collection you will then be able to enter your credentials for select applications supported by BioPass. Credentials can be updated at anytime by pressing the Show Apps button and selecting the application you wish to edit from the list. You must be logged in to BioPass in order to edit credentials of any kind.

Backup and Recovery

A local copy of the database is stored on the user's computer. Hardware specifications are saved in a text file after first successful run and identification of hardware. User’s may revert to original installation at anytime with a copy of all data placed into the database available. To do so delete the BioPass application and reinstall.


If you require further assistance resolving an issue please contact support at BioPass@Temple.Edu with a description of your query.


We use BitBucket GIT repository for versioning control. https://bitbucket.org/TheoHauser/biopass

Developers Sam Yelman - Project Lead & Fingerprint Verification Development Michael Hoffman - Desktop Automation Development Theo Hauser - Web Automation Development Robert Woods - Iris Verification Development James Klein - Facial Verification Development


This project is unlicensed and available for use in an opensource manner.

Built With Visual Studio IDE in C# Testing,API References, Development Plan can be found in the Documentation Folder included with this project.