Meet Pat.

  • Pat doesn't know much about movies.
  • Pat recently met some new friends who LOVE movies.
  • Pat needs your help!

Build a website that can help Pat.

User Stories

As Pat, I can view the upcoming movies from Rotten Tomatoes, so that I can make sure I know about movies coming up before my friends do. I want to know as much about the movies as I can in a list to easily scroll through them on my lunch hour.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Information is refreshed every time the page is visited.
  • Bonus points: Information can be refreshed on a pre-set interval without a hard page refresh
  • Double Bonus points: Information lazy-loads while scrolling

As Pat, I can select favorite upcoming movies and have them easily accessible.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Favorite list is saved and persists between visits.
  • Bonus points: Multiple favorite movies can be selected

As Pat, I can read additional information about a movie, so that I can learn more about the movie and its cast.

As Pat, I can filter movies by release date and critic rating.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Filtered lists only return matching movies and filters are saved between visits.
  • Bonus points: Filtering happens via AJAX


Create website using PHP. When you are finished with the site, create a pull request to submit your site.

Not all the user stories are required, we understand that you have limited time.

The assumptions and details for the user stories are entirely up to you, add as much detail or as little detail as you like.

Style and design are also entirely up to you.

If you are unable to finish a user story, add a comment to the pull request explaining how you were planning to code the user story and why you were unable to do it.