A cool application to hide and extract images and text into another image without any noticeable distortion.
This application is based on the algorithm in a [paper] (http://www.jait.us/uploadfile/2016/0204/20160204115435816.pdf) I published as first author, with slight modifications.
###what's it all about
It's all about security. If you want to send images and/or text secretly via the web, this is the way to go.
You might be wondering "How secure can it be after you share it?" You can see I am in a hard position, here - if this project becomes that popular, is it a success or failure? lol
###how to install
pip install stego
easy_install stego
###how to run
Pick a relatively large image as the cover image and a secure key that only you and the receiver know
To encode the hidden information to the cover image, run
To decode the hidden information from the cover iamge, run
then an image named hidden_image.png and a file named hidden_file.txt will be generated in your current directory
###how to test
python setup.py test