
This little utility ensures that a specified file is composed entirely of zero's. This application is intended to be used with magnetic block devices to ensure that they have been zeroized. It does not ensure that the device has been securely erased.

Usage: verifyzero /path/to/file

Exit Statuses

  1. Success, file is composed of zero's.
  2. Success, the file is zeroized however parts of it were unreadable due to errors.
  3. Fail, non 0 bytes are contained within the file.
  4. Fail, the disk is not empty and read errors were detected.
  5. Fatal Error

Zeroizing a disk

My two favourite methods, note these are not secure methods of erasing disks they just zeroize. Also do not use either of these commands on an SSD.

  1. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=4M
  2. shred -n 0 -z -v /dev/sdX

Shred is preferred as it will provide a status indicator.