
Image processing software for automated scanning of Micropallet radioactive markers. (Java, Image Processing)

Primary LanguageJava

Micropallet Array Image Processing Software

Created in association with University of California Irvine Cancer Research Institute - Nelson Lab

This repository contains the Java source code for a user interface and backend algorithms for tallying radioactive markers across multiple high and low contrast imaging channels produced after a micropallet experiment.

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The end goal is to provide researchers with a smooth and rapid way to analyze Micropallet experiments.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


All included.

Running the tests

Open in any IDE and run "ImageInterface.java". Alternatively, manually build a compact JAR file and run that instead. Experimental JAR file is included. To run it, move it outside of this directory to any other directory and double click and run.

Built With

  • Java (Swing for the frontend)


Java SE8
Project version 2.0


  • Mingze Shi - User interface designer, backend optimization
  • Daniel Sun - Backend algorithms designer, frontend assistant




  • Special thanks to the University of California Irvine Cancer Research Institute Nelson Lab for overseeing this project.