
Updated with new variable names and updated Selenium

Primary LanguagePython


This is an updated version of nkrisn9's selenium bot to register for classes on SIS: https://github.com/nkrishn9/SIS-Bot

I just updated this since nkrishn9 has since graduated.

UPDATE: Make sure you have the most updated version of Selenium:

pip3 install -U selenium

This selenium bot allows you to register for classes on the Johns Hopkins SIS portal right at 7:00 AM, virtually guaranteeing a spot in all of your classes.

WARNING: This has only been tested on Mac OS (and will probably only work on it).

Setup Instructions

Note that this new version of SIS bot for Spring 2021 only works with python3 on MacOS.

First, make sure all of the classes you want to register for are in your cart on SIS.

git clone https://github.com/yzhan289/New-SIS-Bot
cd New-SIS-Bot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
brew install chromedriver

SIS uses the naval observatory clock to determine time. Therefore, your system must be synced to this clock to ensure the bot does not click too early or too late. On Mac OS, it is really easy to change your default.

  1. Navigate to System Preferences and click Date and Time.
  2. Click the lock on the bottom left of your window and enter your password.
  3. Change "Apple Americas/U.S. (time.apple.com.)" to "tick.usno.navy.mil"
  4. Click the lock again to save your changes.

time instructions

Running Instructions

Begin running at least a minute before 7:00 AM. The program will wait/keep running until 7:00 AM to register you for your classes.

python3 bot.py SIS_Username SIS_Password

That's all you need to do! The bot will open a new window and sign in to your SIS account. At 7am it will click register to make sure you get the classes you want!