Solarized dark and light color scheme for urxvt, including easy toggling between them.
Create a urxvt
extension folder:
$ mkdir -p ~/.urxvt/ext
Download the extension:
$ wget -O ~/.urxvt/ext/solarized \
Or clone repository and link the file:
$ git clone https://github.com/BobuSumisu/urxvt-solarized.git
$ ln -s ${PWD}/urxvt-solarized/solarized ~/.urxvt/ext/solarized
Enable it in your ~/.Xresources
or equivalent:
URxvt.perl-ext-common: solarized
URxvt.keysym.Mod4-c: perl:solarized:toggle
URxvt.solarized.default: light
Here we also bound toggling to Super+C
and sat the default scheme to Solarized light.
Now merge the changes:
$ xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
And open a new urxvt
windows in beautiful Solarized colors!