
The honey flavoured task automation tool

Primary LanguageShell

Koshu (shell)

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The honey flavoured task automation tool



  • bash 3.2 +


Simply download koshu.sh to your project directory and execute koshu by typing ./koshu.sh.


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kristofferahl/koshu-shell/master/src/koshu.sh > ./koshu.sh


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kristofferahl/koshu-shell/0.5.4/src/koshu.sh > ./koshu.sh

To make running your "project local" koshu easier, you add an alias for koshu.sh to your shell.

alias koshu='./koshu.sh'


You can install koshu globally using npm install koshu -g and execute it by typing koshu.


Run koshu init to create a "koshufile" in the current directory.



Use the following syntax in your koshufile to define a task.

task setup {
  echo 'Setting up...'

You may also define a "default" task that is executed if no task name is passed to koshu.

task default {
  echo 'Running default task...'


You can define dependencies between your tasks by using the depends_on keyword followed by the name of the task you wish to depend upon.

task test {
  depends_on compile

In the example above, the compile task will be executed before any code placed after the depends_on statement is executed. A single task will never be executed more than once.

Executing tasks

./koshu.sh <taskname>

Parameters and environment variables


Parameters you want set as variables can be passed to koshu by providing the -p or --param option followed by a name/value pair.

./koshu.sh <taskname> --param foo=bar

Default values can be set in your koshufile using the param function.

param foo='default value'

task default {
  echo "$foo"

Environment variables

Parameters you want set as environment variables can be passed to koshu by providing the -e or --env option followed by a name/value pair.

./koshu.sh <taskname> --env FOO=bar

Default values are currently not supported for the -e or --env option.

NOTE: Spaces

If a value includes spaces you need to quote it!

./koshu.sh <taskname> --param foo='some value for foo' --env BAR='some value for BAR'


For more info on using koshu, please run the help command.

./koshu.sh help