Deploy Docker registry on Kubernetes

Update configuration values

Replace the below values in some manifest files with new value (if needed)

We can use envsubst command to substitute environment variables against the teamplate file to create the manifest files with value from envrionment

I keep this repo simple without adding multiple template files to review easily

Domain name for docker registry

Default value:

AWS ACM for the above domain

Default value: arn:aws:acm:ap-southeast-1:421376589955:certificate/b3e3890a-02a5-47c2-ab42-64fec4315231

VPC CIDR for proxy-real-ip-cidr of nginx ingress controller

Default value:

AWS EFS volume ID to store docker image data

Default value: fs-ab5e4cea

Password for admin user to access docker registry

Default value: password


Create Nginx ingress controller

kubectl apply -f ingress-controller/nginx.yml

Create namespace docker-registry

kubectl apply -f common/namespace.yml

Create redis service

kubectl apply -f redis/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f redis/service.yml

Create storage class, persistent volume and persistent volume claim for AWS EFS

kubectl apply -f registry/efs.yml

Running command htpasswd -Bc auth admin to creat auth file contain username and hashed password Store htpasswd in config map in registry/deployment.yml

Create docker registry

kubectl apply -f registry/secret.yml
kubectl apply -f registry/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f registry/service.yml
kubectl apply -f registry/ingress.yml

Create cronjob for garbage collection and image retention

kubectl apply -f cronjob/configmap.yml
kubectl apply -f cronjob/garbage-collection.yml
kubectl apply -f cronjob/retention.yml