
This project aims to provide user registration functionality in a web application. It includes both front-end and back-end components, and it's built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB

Primary LanguageHTML


This project aims to provide user registration functionality in a web application. It includes both front-end and back-end components, and it's built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB database.

Here's a breakdown of what this project is about:

User Registration: The main functionality of this project is user registration. Users can fill out a form with their username, email, and password, and the data is then processed and stored in a database.

Front-End: The front-end of the application is primarily built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It includes:

A homepage with a navigation bar that has links to "Home," "About," "Services," and "Contacts." A registration form that can be accessed via a "Register" link. A login form that can be accessed via a "Login" button. Pop-up Forms: The registration and login forms appear as pop-ups on the homepage when triggered by user interactions(performed by script.js file).

Back-End: There are two sets of back-end code (server.js and db.js) that handle user registration and database connectivity. Be sure to choose whether to connect locally using(server.js) or provide your connection string provided by mongodb atlas in db.js.

Database: The project uses MongoDB as the database system. There's a MongoDB schema defined for the User model with fields for username, email, and password.

Styling: The project includes CSS styles for formatting and styling the web page.
