Engine Yard Cloud Client

engineyard-cloud-client contains a Ruby api library to the Engine Yard Cloud API. Extracted from the engineyard gem.

Build Status

Version 2.0.x

As of the 2.0 version series, we will only be supporting ruby versions 1.9.3 and greater. Supporting older versions of ruby has gotten increasingly difficult as more and more gems assume that everyone is using 1.9.3 or greater.

The 1.0 version series will no longer be under active development, but will remain available through rubygems and on the 1-0-stable branch.

Use at your own risk

At this time, cloud-client is not documented for public use. It was created to be used by the engineyard gem with the hopes of eventually providing a public api client, but it's still in its infancy.

If you would like to use this gem directly instead of interfacing with the engineyard gem, you will likely be on your own. We may be available to answer questions about the gem, but the gem itself is not currently a supported public interface to Engine Yard Cloud.

This gem accesses API actions that can alter your dashboard and settings. If used incorrectly, it could lead to problems. As we work towards making this a reliable public client, the interface may change.

If you intend to use this gem, please lock to an exact version and pay close attention to newly released versions and changes to the interface.

Please open github issues for any problems you encounter.



require 'engineyard-cloud-client'

api = EY::CloudClient.new

# the api object will retain the token after authenticate is called
token = api.authenticate("your@email.com", "password")

# or, if you already have the token
api = EY::CloudClient.new(token: api_token)

Current User:

user = ey_api.current_user
user.class # => EY::CloudClient::User
user.name  # => "Your Name"
user.email # => "your@email.com"


apps = ey_api.apps # loads all your app data at once; caches result

app = apps.find {|app| app.name == 'myapp'}
app.class           # => EY::CloudClient::App
app.name            # => 'myapp'
app.id              # => 123
app.repository_uri  # => git@github.com:myaccount/myapp.git

app.account.class   # => EY::CloudClient::Account

app.app_environments.first.class # => EY::CloudClient::AppEnvironment
app.app_environments.map {|e| e.environment.name} # => ['myapp_production', 'myapp_staging']

Create a new application (to be booted within Environments):

account = EY::CloudClient::Account.new(ey_api, {:id => 4212, :name => 'drnic'})
app = EY::CloudClient::App.create(ey_api,
  "account"        => account
  "name"           => "myapp",
  "repository_uri" => "git@github.com:mycompany/myapp.git",
  "app_type_id"    => "rails3",

Valid app_type_id are: rack, rails2, rails3, rails4, sinatra, nodejs. For some your account may require an early access feature to be enabled.


account = app.account
account.class   # => EY::CloudClient::Account
account.id      # => 1234
account.name    # => 'myaccount'


Upload your SSH public keys before you create Environments.

keypair = EY::CloudClient::Keypair.create(ey_api, {
  "name"       => 'laptop',
  "public_key" => "ssh-rsa OTHERKEYPAIR"


envs = ey_api.environments # loads all your environment data at once; caches result

env = envs.find {|e| e.name == 'myapp_production'}
env.class             # => EY::CloudClient::Environment
env.name              # => 'myapp_production'
env.id                # => 2345
env.framework_env     # => "production"
env.app_server_stack_name     # => "nginx_thin"
env.deployment_configurations # => {"myapp"=>{"name"=>"myapp", "uri"=>nil, "migrate"=>{"command"=>"rake db:migrate", "perform"=>false}, "repository_uri"=>"git@github.com:myaccount/myapp.git", "id"=>123, "domain_name"=>"_"}}
env.load_balancer_ip_address  # => ""

# if environment isn't booted
env.instances_count     # => 0
env.app_master          # => nil
env.instances.count     # => []

# if environment is booted
env.instances_count     # => 1
env.app_master.class    # => EY::CloudClient::Instance
env.instances.first.class # => EY::CloudClient::Instance

Create a new environment (for a given App):

app = EY::CloudClient::App.new(ey_api, {:id => 4212, :name => 'drnic'})
env = EY::CloudClient::Environment.create(ey_api,
  "app"                   => app,
  "name"                  => 'myapp_production',
  "app_server_stack_name" => 'nginx_thin',       # default: nginx_passenger3
  "region"                => 'us-west-1',        # default: us-east-1
  "framework_env"         => 'staging'           # default: production

Valid app_server_stack_name values: nginx_unicorn, nginx_passenger3, nginx_nodejs, nginx_thin, nginx_puma. For some your account may require an early access feature to be enabled.


# filtering by roles and roles with names
env.instances_by_role(:app_master, :app, :util) # => [EY::CloudClient::Instance, ...]
env.select_instances(util: %w[resque1 resque2 redis])  # => [EY::CloudClient::Instance, ...]

instance = env.instances.first
instance.class        # => EY::CloudClient::Instance
instance.id           # => 12345
instance.role         # => "solo"
instance.status       # => "running"
instance.amazon_id    # => "i-abcdefg"
instance.hostname     # => "ec2-1-2-3-4.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
instance.public_hostname # => "ec2-1-2-3-4.compute-1.amazonaws.com" # alias of hostname


When $DEBUG is set, display debug information to the ui object using the #debug method. The API commands will print internal request information:

app = EY::CloudClient::App.create(ey_api, 'account' => account, 'name' => 'myapp2', 'repository_uri' => 'git@github.com:myaccount/myapp2.git', 'app_type_id' => 'rails3')
       Token  YOURTOKEN
     Request  POST https://cloud.engineyard.com/api/v2/accounts/1234/apps
      Params  {"app"=>{"name"=>"myapp2", "app_type_id"=>"rails3", "repository_uri"=>"git@github.com:myaccount/myapp2.git"}}
   "account"=>{"name"=>"myaccount", "id"=>1234},