
Automatically makes cool documents from your code.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Automatically makes cool documents from your code.


Artifactory uses a builder to create a view model, then create a view to pretty-format the view model as a document.

The most mature Artifactory component right now is the Web API documentation builder. It uses Roslyn to document the endpoints in a Web API project in a standalone html file.



First, set up the builder you want to use in the App.config of the Artifactory.Console project:

	ApiControllerSubclassesRegex="" />
  • SolutionPath should be set to the location on disk of your .sln file.

  • If ControllerFilterRegex is provided, controllers will only be documented if their class name matches the pattern. For example a pattern of HomeController|AccountController could be used to match only those two controllers. Leave this blank to document all controllers in the solution.

  • If ApiControllerSubclassesRegex is provided, a controller will be documented if its base class matches the pattern. Leave this blank and only controllers inheriting from ApiController will be documented.


Next, run the Artifactory.Console application with the name of the builder you would like:

Artifactory.Console.exe web-api

Once it has run, it will launch the new html document in a browser tab.