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2024 ACS Workshop - Designing and Analyzing Agricltural Studies: intro and example in R

Hey there!

This is the prep page for the 2024 Agronomy, Crop, and Soils Graduate Student Committee Workshop - Designing and Analyzing Agricltural Studies: intro and example in R, taught by @leombastos.

The workshop was presented on May 10th 2024 for ~1 hour where we covered:

  • Treatment vs. Experimental design
  • Randomized complete block design (RCBD)
  • R code to conduct a 2-way factorial RCBD analysis workflow including data import, wrangling, EDA, model running, assumptions checking, mean extraction, pairwise comparisons, and final plot.

Follow the slide deck here.

Follow the rendered script here.

Interested in conding along during the workshop?

  1. New to R and/or RStudio? Follow steps 1 and 2 of these instructions to install them before the workshop (if you want to be able to follow along).

  2. Download this repository to your computer (click on the green "Code" button above and select "Download ZIP").

  3. Unzip the repository.

  4. On your computer, go on the subfolder code and double-click on the file 2024-acsworkshop-rcbd-Bastos.qmd to launch in an RStudio window.

  5. The first chunk (called setup) contains code to install the package easypackages, load this package, and then use its function packages() to either load or install each of the other packages needed for the workshop. To be able to code along, you will need to run the code lines 54-65 to install all the required packages. Make sure to do this BEFORE the workshop, as we won't have time to troubleshoot during the workshop.