CHANGELOG | Current semantic version/s:
[http-kit "2.3.0"] ; Stable, published by contributors, see CHANGELOG for details
[http-kit "2.4.0-alpha3"] ; Dev, published by contributors, see CHANGELOG for details
[http-kit "2.1.19"] ; Legacy, published by @shenfeng
See for documentation, examples, benchmarks, etc. (no longer maintained, some examples may contain minor bugs).
http-kit's author (@shenfeng) unfortunately hasn't had much time to maintain http-kit recently. To help out I'll be doing basic issue triage, accepting minor/obvious PRs, etc.
A big thank you to the current contributors for keeping the project going! Additional contributors welcome: please ping me if you'd be interested in lending a hand.
Hacker friendly: zero dependencies, written from the ground-up with only ~3.5k lines of code (including java), clean and tidy.
# Modify as you want, unit tests back you up:
lein test
# May be useful (more info), see `server_test.clj`:
# Some numbers on how fast can http-kit's client can run:
lein test :benchmark
Requires JVM >= 8, http-kit >= 2.4.0-alpha5. Common cause of: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
To retain backwards-compatibility with JVMs < 8, the http-kit client currently does not have SNI support enabled by default.
This default may be changed in a future breaking release. But in the meantime, manually enabling SNI support is easy:
(:require [org.httpkit.sni-client :as sni-client]) ; Needs Java >= 8
;; Change default client for your whole application:
(alter-var-root #'org.httpkit.client/*default-client* (fn [_] sni-client/default-client))
;; or temporarily change default client for a particular thread context:
(binding [org.httpkit.client/*default-client* sni-client/default-client]
See org.httpkit.client/*default-client*
docstring for more details.
Please use the GitHub issues page for feature suggestions, bug reports, or general discussions. Current contributors are listed here. The website is also on GitHub here.
Copyright © 2012-2018 @shenfeng. Distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0.