
A more pythonic testing framework.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Testify - A Testing Framework

Testify is a replacement for Python's unittest module and nose. It is modeled after unittest, and existing unittest classes are fully supported.

However, Testify has features above and beyond unittest:

  • Class-level setup and teardown fixture methods, which are run only once for an entire class of test methods.

  • A decorator-based approach to fixture methods, enabling features like lazily-evaluated attributes and context managers for tests.

  • Enhanced test discovery. Testify can drill down into packages to find test cases (similiar to nose).

  • Support for detecting and running test suites, grouped by modules, classes, or individual test methods.

  • Support for splitting up tests into buckets for multiprocessing.

  • Pretty test runner output (hooray color!).

  • Extensible plugin system for adding additional functionality around reporting.

  • Comes complete with other handy testing utilities, including turtle (for mocking), code coverage integration, profiling, and numerous common assertion helpers for easier debugging.

  • More pythonic naming conventions.

Example Test Case

from testify import *

class AdditionTestCase(TestCase):

    def init_the_variable(self):
        self.variable = 0

    def increment_the_variable(self):
        self.variable += 1

    def test_the_variable(self):
        assert_equal(self.variable, 1)

    @suite('disabled', reason='ticket #123, not equal to 2 places')
    def test_broken(self):
        # raises 'AssertionError: 1 !~= 1.01'
        assert_almost_equal(1, 1.01, threshold=2)

    def decrement_the_variable(self):
        self.variable -= 1

    def get_rid_of_the_variable(self):
        self.variable = None

if __name__ == "__main__":