Jim's Grunt Ink Boilerplate for Email Dev

How to set up

cd 'directory' 
git clone this repo
npm install

npm install now creates bower.json file and runs grunt dev after install

Add a bower package project

Automatically adds <script> and <link> tags to index.html using grunt-wiredep

Open new terminal window

bower install ‘package’ —save

To Build Project

grunt build
  • Moves all files and folders to build folder
  • Minifies css files
  • Moves bower_components to libs folder
  • Minifies images
  • Replaces link and src targets containing bower_components in index.html to point to build directory

Packages used

Auto link packages in HTML grunt-wiredep
SASS compiler grunt-contrib-sass
Copy files and folders grunt-contrib-copy
Minify images grunt-contrib-imagemin
Concatenate files grunt-contrib-concat
Minify CSS grunt-contrib-cssmin
Copy bower_components to folder (faster than recursive lookup using grunt-contrib-copy) grunt-bower-copy
Replace string in files grunt-replace