
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A version of Kubernetes using Apache Hadoop YARN as the scheduler. Integrating Kubernetes with YARN lets users run Docker containers packaged as pods (using Kubernetes) and YARN applications (using YARN), while ensuring common resource management across these (PaaS and data) workloads.

Kubernetes-YARN is currently in the protoype/alpha phase

This integration is under development. Please expect bugs and significant changes as we work towards making things more stable and adding additional features.

Getting started

Dev Environment

Kubernetes and Kubernetes-YARN are written in Go. Currently, vagrant and ansible based setup mechanims are supported. The instructions below are for creating a vagrant based cluster. For ansible instructions, see here.

Please ensure you have boot2docker, Go (at least 1.3), Vagrant (at least 1.6), VirtualBox (at least 4.3.x) and git installed. Run boot2docker to bring up a VM with a running docker daemon (this is used for building release binaries for Kubernetes).

$ $(boot2docker shellinit) #sets up docker env vars
$ echo $GOPATH
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/hortonworks/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hortonworks/
$ git clone git@github.com:hortonworks/kubernetes-yarn.git
$ cd kubernetes-yarn
$ build/release.sh #builds kubernetes release binaries 
$ hack/build-go.sh #builds kubernetes client binaries
$ cluster/kube-up.sh #brings up kubernetes cluster

Following these steps will bring up a multi-VM cluster (1 master and 3 minions, by default) running Kubernetes and YARN. Please note that, depending on your local hardware and available bandwidth, bringing the cluster up could take a while to complete.

YARN Dashboard

By default, the kubernetes master is assigned the IP The YARN resource manager runs on the name host. Once the vagrant cluster is running, the YARN dashboard accessible at

HDFS Dashboard

The HDFS dashboard is accessible at

Interacting with the Kubernetes-YARN cluster

Creating pods/running Docker containters

For instructions on creating pods, running containers and other interactions with the cluster, please see Kubernetes' vagrant instructions here

Running a test map-reduce job

In order to run a test map-reduce job, log into the cluster (ensure that you are in the kubernetes-yarn directory) and run the included test script.

$ vagrant ssh master
[vagrant@kubernetes-master ~]$ cd hadoop/install/hadoop-2.6.0-SNAPSHOT/
[vagrant@kubernetes-master hadoop-2.6.0-SNAPSHOT]$ sudo su #you need to be root to run this test script
[root@kubernetes-master hadoop-2.6.0-SNAPSHOT]# ./test-pi-yarn.sh