A Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet Generator for Nyzo - Nyzo HD Wallet.
Why the name?
HD Wallet generation for Bitcoin is described in BIP32.
32 is the decimal ascii code for "Space" character.
A HD Wallet also saves you storage space ;)
Current state
Functional, validates SLIP0010.
See https://angainordev.github.io/NyzoSpace/doc/ for more.
Auto build Github pages version: https://angainordev.github.io/NyzoSpace/js/dist/index.html
Integrates Nyzo Strings format via NyzoStrings Js implementation https://www.npmjs.com/package/nyzostrings
- Improve GUI
Integrate NyzoString formats- Generate Paper wallets
- Trezor integration
Donation address
Donations will help us maintain and improve this tool and other ones
Nyzo public id: