Hierarchical Latent Variable Model for Sequence Generation

In this repository, we implement the hierarchical latent variable model for sequence generation in the Penn TreeBank and Yelp 2013. The datasets are downloaded from Tomas Mikolov's webpage and Jiacheng Xu's repository.

This model consists of two encoders with two meaningful latent variables. The global and local dependencies of latent variables are discovered and involved in a sophisticated model for sequence generation. The long shortterm memory (LSTM) and the pyramid bidirectional LSTM (pBLSTM) are merged as two encoders to capture complimentary features for decoding of sequential outputs.


  • Framework:
    • Pytorch 0.4.0
  • Hardware:
    • CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K @3.30 GHz
    • RAM: 64 GB DDR4-2400
    • GPU: GeForce GTX 1080ti

Result of learning curve

Penn TreeBank
Yelp 2013

Interpolation of latent space

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in the past two months mr. said he expects to report a loss of $ N million
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