
Object Dimension Measurement System using Computer Vision.

Primary LanguageHTML

Internship Project.

Object Dimension Measurement System.

This is my final year internship project developed in Python and C# for GUI. This project is inteded to measure the dimension of the objects specifically for the industrial grade objects. It uses the concept of computer vision, fetches the image from an external camera, processes it and then gives you the result.

Hardware Used:

  • Industrial Camera.
  • Illuminating backlit light.
  • Industrial Graded Objects.

Programming Languages Used:

  • Python (For Core and backend)
  • C# (For Graphical User Interface)

Technologies Used:

  • Python IDE.
  • Visual Studio
  • BunifuUI (Visual Studio Windows Application Custom UI)
  • Pichon Icon Set
  • Ozeku SDK for Camera(Visual Studio)

Without GUI: Final output after processing The Image.

Hardware Setup Hardware Setup