This is C++11 based library and HAL for STM32
It include:
- CMake build system for simplifier create, build and upload to target
- Linker script to separate and simplified your code.
- Vector table for Cortex-M3,4 for simplified create interrupt handers.
- Startup code for Cortex-M3,4 cpu with initialization of data & bss sections.
- Setup C++ static objects
- Template library and types for stm32 mcus.
- Prototype of startup and run code for stm32 mcus.
- Low level template style defines and helpers to commonize work with hardware.
- stm32f4xx family
- stm32f405,407,415,417
- stm32f4xx family
- Middle lelev template style and helpers to simplified operations with hardware.
- Interrupts
- Systick
- BSP to simplified operation with hardware modules
- stm32l152c-discovery 6 position hex digit lcd
- ssd1306 graphic 128x64 oled
- Examples proto
- stm32l152c-disco - demo for full use internal blocks of stm32l152c
- stm32f3disco - blinking leds, usart rx/tx demo
- stm32f4-black - blinking leds, usart rx/tx demo, ssd1306 oled demo