
Primary LanguageJava

Personal Project: Digital Journal

An organized, accessible way to create and archive journal entries

What will the application do?

This application will:

  • Create journal entries using text documents
  • The user can also add photos to an entry
  • Keep an archive of past entries
  • Entry archives can be found in chronological order
  • User can tag entries as another way to categorize

Who will use it?

This application can be used by anyone who is interested in a simple way to keep a journal in an organized manner.

Why is this project of interest to you?

This project is of interest to me because I am someone who avidly journals, therefore I would genuinely love to have an application like this! I feel this application would be very useful in keeping a record of one's life without the hassle of a physical book and/or keeping it organized. Furthermore, this project will be a great learning experience.

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to be able to create a new journal entry and add it to my collection of entries
  • As a user, I want to be able to add text to an entry
  • As a user, I want to be able to view all of my journal entries organized in chronological order
  • As a user, I want to be able to select a journal entry from my collection and view that entry
  • As a user, I want to be able to save my journal and the entries when I select the quit option
  • As a user, I want to be able to load my journal from file when the program starts
  • As a user, I want to be able to edit the contents of an existing journal entry

##Instructions for Grader

  • To generate the first required event (add an entry to journal), click "New Entry" button on main scene, create a new entry and click "save" button
  • To generate the second required event (view all entries in journal) click "View Entries" button on main scene
  • To trigger audio component, run the program (start up sound), save/delete an entry (success sound), click "View" or "Delete" button without any entries selected on all entries scene (error sound)
  • To save the state of my application, click "Quit" button on main scene, click "Yes" to ConfirmBox, then "Yes" to save
  • State of application automatically loads when program is run

##Phase 4: Task 2

  • Robust method made in EntriesCollection class for viewEntry method
    • Tests in EntriesCollectionsTest
  • Type hierarchy created with -Panel classes in ui package extending AppPanel, all override abstract display method within AppPanel.

##Phase 4: Task 3

  • Main class has poor cohesion as the class is used to run the journal application, but the entire class contains all the UI elements, various scenes, and event handlers.
    • Scenes have been refactored into separate classes.
  • dateToString method in JournalEntry class contributes to low cohesion
    • Method has been refactored into it's own class, Date, and is extended by JournalEntry
  • EntriesCollection class turned into a singleton class as throughout the entire application, only one instance of it is used throughout many classes.