
things we really want

- as a user, I want to have an about page that has information about the website and the reason behind the website - as a user, I want to be able to view a map with all added pins - as a user, I want to input a report and add it to the map - as a user, I want to hover a pinpointed area and have the details of the report displayed - as a user, I want to the option to view high reported areas on the map based on the number of reports through a heat map - as a user, I want the option to return to the main page via a logo button in the corner - as a user, I want to map my reports with Google Maps locations

nice to have

- as a user, I want to be able to comment on existing reports - as a user, I want to view relevant articles of incidents pinned to the location they took place in - as a user, I want the option to view the website with a light or dark mode