
Subtile extractor helps extracting text from the .vtt files and using the heuristics to remove the duplicated text.


Suppose you have already downloaded a .vtt file:

docs = DocumentArray([Document(uri=str(data_fn.absolute()))])
f = Flow().add(uses='jinahub://SubtitleExtractor')
with f:

Your input should be .vtt files, and for documents in docs, it will be divided into several chunks, each chunk contains their text and time information like follow:

{'id': '2b5d7ac6-3180-11ec-9f3a-acde48001122_0', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'tags': {'beg_in_seconds': 1.04, 'end_in_seconds': 4.789, 'vid': 'zvXkQkqd2I8.vtt'}, 'text': 'hi my name is han founder and ceo of jina ai', 'granularity': 1, 'parent_id': '2b5d7ac6-3180-11ec-9f3a-acde48001122', 'location': [1040, 4789]}

via Docker image (recommended)

from jina import Flow
f = Flow().add(uses='jinahub+docker://SubtitleExtractor')

via source code

from jina import Flow
f = Flow().add(uses='jinahub://SubtitleExtractor')
  • To override __init__ args & kwargs, use .add(..., uses_with: {'key': 'value'})
  • To override class metas, use .add(..., uses_metas: {'key': 'value})