
Automatically generate alt tags for Ghost blog using SceneXplain

Primary LanguagePython

Alt Texter

This script automatically adds alt tags to all the images (including featured images) on your blog using SceneXplain.

What platforms does it support?

Platform Post images Page images Media images Product images Notes
Ghost Pending N/A N/A Tested, works decently
WordPress N/A Converts post content to HTML
WooCommerce Use WordPress handler Use WordPress handler Use Wordpress handler Experimental
Shopify Experimental

How does it work?

When you run the script or Docker image it will:

  • Download each content item from whatever platform you're using
  • Check each image to see if it has alt text:
    • If yes, skip that image
    • If no, create an alt text using SceneXplain and write that to the post data
  • Check if the content has new alt texts:
    • If yes, update the content
    • If no, skip update


Set API environment variables

Environment variables let you safely define your credentials and settings. No matter which platform you use, you will need:

Environment variable name Required? Default value Notes
PLATFORM No ghost ghost, wordpress, woocommerce or shopify
SCENEX_API_KEY Yes None Generate here

Then, depending on your platform, you will need to set additional variables to define your URL and credientials:


Environment variable name Required? Default value Notes
GHOST_BLOG_URL Yes None Must include "http(s)" prefix


Environment variable name Required? Default value Notes
WORDPRESS_URL Yes None Must include "http(s)" prefix


Environment variable name Required? Default value Notes
WOOCOMMERCE_URL Yes None Must include "http(s)" prefix
WOOCOMMERCE_KEY Yes None Your WooCommerce consumer key
WOOCOMMERCE_SECRET Yes None Your WooCommerce consumer secret


Environment variable name Required? Default value Notes
SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN Yes None Your Shopify Admin API access token

Run in Docker

Fill in the environment variables (denoted by angle brackets) and run the code. For each line that begins with -e you'll need to specify each of your environment variables from your platform above. For example, if you use Ghost, you would specify:

docker run -d --name alt-texter \
-e SCENEX_API_KEY=<scenex-api-key> \
-e PLATFORM=ghost \
-e GHOST_API_KEY=<ghost-api-key> \
-e GHOST_BLOG_URL="<ghost-blog-url>" \

Bare metal

  1. Clone this repo then enter its directory.
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install requirements.
  3. Fill in the environment variables (denoted by angle brackets) and run the code.
env GHOST_API_KEY=<ghost-api-key> \
SCENEX_API_KEY=<scenex-api-key> \
GHOST_BLOG_URL="<ghost-blog-url>" \
python app.py


Why doesn't the WooCommerce handler update my posts and pages?

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, so you should use the WordPress handler to update the posts and pages on your site.

Do you plan any proper plugins for the platforms?

I have no expertise in that area. If someone wants to lend a hand, drop an issue and let's chat!