
Gets the Polygon definitions from OpenStreetMaps and able to combine one or more polygons into one single Multipolygon

Primary LanguageGo


A Go Package can fetch polygon definitions from OpenStreet maps and it can also combine one or more polygons into one. alt text


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What it does?

  • It can fetch Polygon definitions from OpenstreetMaps by taking an area name, throw error if the area is not in OSM database
  • Combine one or more polygons into one single Multipolygon


go get github.com/jinagamvasubabu/polyfetcher

How to use Fetch Polygons?

  • get polyfetcher
  go get github.com/jinagamvasubabu/polyfetcher
  • import and use it like below:
  import "github.com/jinagamvasubabu/polyfetcher"
  import "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
  p := polyfetcher.GeometryUtils{}
  resp, err := p.FetchPolygons(context.Background(), []string{"germany", "belgium"})

How to use Combine Polygons?

  • get polyfetcher
  go get github.com/jinagamvasubabu/polyfetcher
  • import and use it like below:
  import "github.com/jinagamvasubabu/polyfetcher"
  import "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
  p := polyfetcher.GeometryUtils{}
  resp, err := p.CombinePolygons(context.Background(), []string{"germany", "belgium"})


//GeoJson Open street map response structure
type GeoJson struct {
	Name        string        `json:"name"`
	Type        string        `json:"type"`
	Coordinates []interface{} `json:"coordinates"`

How to enable Debug logs?

  • Pass logrus LogLevel:logrus.DebugLevel to GeometryUtils struct
  import "github.com/jinagamvasubabu/polyfetcher"

  p := polyfetcher.GeometryUtils{LogLevel:logrus.DebugLevel}
  resp, err := p.CombinePolygons(context.Background(), []string{"germany", "belgium"})

How to validate the data ?

Response type is schema.GeoJson, you can marshal the response to string and use geojsonlint to validate the geojson. alt text

Note: If you get an error like Polygons and MultiPolygons should follow the right-hand rule then follow this below article to fix it. https://dev.to/jinagamvasubabu/solution-polygons-and-multipolygons-should-follow-the-right-hand-rule-2c8i


  • If one of the area is invalid area then it can fetch the other areas if they are valid
  • If all areas which were passed are invalid then it will throw error error while fetching the polygon

Goroutines Support:

Goroutines support to fetch areas concurrently instead of synchronously




Apache 2.0.