
PySC2 A2C agent

Primary LanguagePython


This project is a re-implementation of paper "StarCraft II: A New Challenge for Reinforcement Learning". The learning algorithm is A2C and both Atari-net and FullyConv are implemented. Furthermore, The atari-net can be trained in auto-regressive manner.



  • Load trained models
  • Build FullyConv in auto-regressive manner
  • Save videos of evaluation epsiodes (New feature of pysc2 2.0)

Run an agent

Run a agent in MoveToBeacon mini-game with 1e-4 learning rate.

python3 run_sc2.py --map MoveToBeacon --ent_coef 1e-3 --lr 1e-4 --num_timesteps 600000 --num_cpu 8 --vl_coef 1.0 --max_grad_norm 0.5 --network atari --ar


  • --map: The map you want to train on.
  • --ent_coef: Entropy coeffient.
  • --vl_coef: Weight of value loss.
  • --lr: Learning rate.
  • --optimizer: Optimizer for updating the weights. Available options: rmsprop and adam
  • --num_timesteps: Total training steps.
  • --num_cpu: Number of enviornments to run simultaneously.
  • --max_grad_norm: Max gradient norm, for gradient clipping.
  • --network: Type of network. The available options are: atari and fullyconv
  • --ar: This is a boolean. Decide whether to build the network in auto-regressive manner. (This is only available when using Atari-net)


Best mean scores:

Ours DeepMind
MoveToBeacon 25 26
DefeatRoaches 91 101
CollectMineralShards 104