
Shiny App analysing Donald Trump Tweets from October 2015

Primary LanguageR

Application Development Project - Shiny App.

(Coursera, devdataprod-033)


My Shiny App will analyse tweets from Donald Trump and his Twitter community.

You will find all the code (i.e., ui.R and server.R) and twitter data files from the period October 2nd to October 26th 2015.

It should be noted that the number of Donald Trump's own tweets are limited on a daily basis (typically between 20 to 50 per day). However Donald Trumps followers (trumpies?) are in general very active with easily 15 thousand tweets on a daily basis. Due to limitations in the Twitter API as well as the time it takes for the code to crunch the twitter data, I have limitted the amount of pulled tweets to 15 thousand. Thus it can be less but not more than that.

The application will create:

  1. WordCloud of most frequent Twitter words. Minimum word frequency and number of words in the WordCloud can be set by the user.
  2. Topics Tree based on the chosen Twitter data (i.e., either by Donald Trump's own tweets or by his followers on a per day basis).
  3. Topics table with Top 6 identified Topics (within the twitter data) with their respective Top 6 key words.
  4. A word association search based on user input, e.g., dumb, mexican, mexico, etc...

Documentation for my App can be found in the Documentation tab. This also includes a comprehensive list of references which should allow for further study of Twitter analysis.

Have fun and enjoy! Kim