Jin Dai


Curious, imaginative, reserved. Celebrating the graduation from world top university with minimum viable grade. A great navigator in every projects and ever, approaching challenges with intuition yet structure. Entrepreneurial, exploratory and seeking for growth. Love multicultural team, love productivity, love a stage that promotes craftsmanship.


Agile Principles

Visual communicator through drawing and kanban system. Responsive to changing requirements. Affectionate pair programmer and effective team player.

Test Driven Development

Experience in Ruby and JavaScript testing frameworks including RSpec, Cucumber, Mocha, Chai, etc. Advocate of behaviour driven development.

Full Stack Understanding

Have relevant experience in front-end, back-end, database and deployment with Ruby and JavaScript. Continuing to seek and learn.

Code Examples

Rock Paper Scissors Meshee MakerBot Pecha Kucha
The infamous game 'Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock' for you to spare your time. A decentralise, encrypted mesh network chat application for protestors. A digital assistant for Makers Academy which lives inside Makers' Slack An application for a group Pecha Kucha session for Makers Academy fun Friday.

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Image provided by [Makers Academy]


University of Cambridge

Bachelor's Degree, Information and Computer Engineering

2011 - 2014

Major Courses and Projects: Signal and Pattern Processing, Computer and Network Systems, Software Engineering and Design, Systems and Control, Information Processing, Computing (C++, java, Matlab), Mathematics, Engineering Drawing, CAD modeling, Product Design, etc.

Dulwich College


2010 - 2011

Major Courses: Double Mathematics, Physics, Music

Work Experience

Makers Academy - Software Trainee

Nov 14 - Mar 15

  • Training (Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, etc.)

  • Collaborating in Meshee, a decentralised client-side encrypted chat application

Featurespace Ltd, Cambridge - Software Engineer

Aug - Oct 2014

  • Developed Java and JMeter simulation for real-time and non real-time consumer behaviour
  • Integrated the simulator with Featurespace’s ongoing development of the ARIC-ZAPP system

China Electronics Corporation - Winter Intern

Jan 2014

  • Developed solution for evaluating cloud computing security
  • Participated in the drafting of cloud computing security standard

Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction - Undergraduate Researcher

Aug - Oct 2013

  • Developed wireless sensor network system with Atmel Xmega micro-controller
  • Applied WSN in agriculture and underground construction

UBS SDIC Fund Management Company Ltd, China - Summer Intern

July 2013

  • Worked through a two-week case study alongside project director
  • Developed client questionnaire with project team

Cambridge Mechatronics Ltd, Cambridge - Winter Intern

Jan - Feb 2012

  • Developed acoustic simulation with finite element analysis
  • Documented and presented project result

Inmarsat Plc, UK - Summer Intern

July 2010

  • Tested nano-satellite submodules and integrated performance
  • Documented and presented test results with project team

Weizmann Institute Physics Tournament, Israel - Tournament

March 2010

  • Built a puzzle-protected safe box in teamwork
  • Scored top 25% among 50+ worldwide teams

Extracurricular Project

Serket - Cofounder, Software Development

Feb 15 - present

  • Candidate of Founder.org 100K Competition Class 2016

  • Developing eHealth Android application and full stack web application

Independent Accompanist, Composer and Teacher

2014 - present

  • Composing, arranging, recording and mixing music for movie soundtrack and stage performing

  • Teaching piano, guitar, and music theory

Wireless Sensor Network

2013 - 2014

  • Building a system that connects various sensors and shares data. Project includes coding sensor circuits, designing database storage and developing data analysis applications.

Social Responsibility

Founder.org - University Associate Technology Officer

2013 - present

  • Designing and maintaining local website.

Cambridge University Chinese Cultural Society - Treasurer

2011 - 2012

  • Administered cash flow for society events and projects.


  • Skydiving and Gliding - Member of the Cambridge University Gliding Club
  • Chess - Regular player at the Cambridge City Chess Club
  • Concert Performing - Grade 8 piano, regular performer at local and university events
  • Composing and Music Production - Member of local media production team, composed 30+ pieces of music


Please visit my personal website for more information about me as a person, my GitHub profile for my programming projects, my LinkedIn for my connections, and my blog for more information about me as a blogger.