
Out-of-box neovim config

Primary LanguageLua


neovim config, this plugins might upgrade, be careful on use.


neovim is all you need.

sh install.sh

then, just open nvim, type:



For Ubuntu did have nvim 0.7 above, install newest one:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neovim


  • Packer;
  • NvimTree;
  • COQ: for auto completion;


Here, I wrote some keymaps that helpful when you control your vim.

  • ctrl + ww: swith nvim tree and opened file;
  • hjkl: for normal mode navigation, however, this need to be changed in the future;
  • ctrl + b: Activate COQnow for auto completion;
  • ctrl + d: Scroll with step 9 lines for faster scroll;


The whole plugin system should work out-of-box, but some complicated need additional setups. For completion plugin,we using COQ. You need run COQdeps first to install dependencies.

  1. Mason:

Mason is for LSP, code completion. After installed the essential plugins, you should have Mason, type Mason you can install the plugins from floating windows.

MasonInstall bash-language-server shfmt shellcheck stylua lua-language-server black pyright pylint debugpy clang-format clangd cpptools eslint-l
sp eslint_d node-debug2-adapter typescript-language-server quick-lint-js prettier sqls sql-formatter json-lsp html-lsp fixjson emmet-ls css-lsp m
arkdownlint gopls

these are LSP needed for mason

About Code Auto Completion

Auto completion using mason.vim and coq, one is for LSP, and one is for autocompleting.

for python, using pyright as LSP. However, it seems not very accurate than like vscode.


To make icon shows, install font: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/patched-fonts/DroidSansMono/complete