
Github licence


This apps gives users the opportunity to share and read reviews on popular Netflix movies and tv shows. It also gives them the opportunity to interact with other users by commenting on existing reviews. The creators of this application are Jing Liu, Dasia Smith, Olivia Latham and Keisa Portress

User Story:

AS a User
I WANT to read and write reviews for popular Netflix movies and tv shows,
CREATE a profile that includes all of my past reviews
SO THAT when I write a review, users can comment and "like" my reviews.

Acceptance Criteria:

GIVEN I want to write a review for a Netflix movie or tv show
WHEN I sign up as a user
THEN a welcome email is sent to me
WHEN I log in
THEN I write a review
WHEN I read a review
THEN I can like a review and/or comment on that review


Link to Live Webpage

Link to Github Repository


Working Code

Homepage Login Page Profile Page Review Page


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.


If you have any questions about this projects, please contact me directly at jingliu788@gmail.com. You can view more of my projects at https://github.com/jing-liu-778.