
test osg->ab converted data at engine level

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OSG example

Display a LOD tree, whose node is a compressed osgjs data group.


  • openg index.html with chrome to see the model.

  • Change the dataPath in ./js/index.js to use another set of data.

Meta file


  • uuid: uuid for this set of lod data
  • dataPath: dataPath + fileName -> tile file path
  • root tile fileName


  • center longitudee, latitude, altitude
  • center x, y, z (for CGCS2000, beijing84 etc.)
  • orientation: a quaternion vector (x, y, z, w), default (0, 0, 0, 1). After applying this rotation, the up direction is (0, 0, 1), east (1, 0, 0), north (0, 1, 0).
  • position: (x, y, z), default (0, 0, 0). An offset from the obj space, for display.
  • scale: (x, y, z), default (1, 1, 1)

LOD controls

  • In localStorage, FOREST_CAPACITY defines the total number of lod nodes in scene. The larger the number, more 3D details will be displayed.

  • In localStorage, CACHE_CAPACITY defines the number of cached nodes. This number must be larger than FOREST_CAPACITY to normally display.

  • osgInfo::maxLevel defines the max depth of the lod tree. More depth grants more details, but need to wait longer for downloading.