
Path Planning & Navigation

Primary LanguageMakefile


The project aims to code a turtlebot for a pick and place mission with autonomous navigation. The turtlebot will pick an object in a predefined location in the map, carry it in another predefined location and drop it. The project comprehend different phases to test different parts of the algorithm.

  • With the SLAM testing part the robot maps the environment using SLAM
  • With the AMCL testing part the robot can localize in the map
  • With the Pick Objects testing part the robot moves to the pick-up point and the to the drop point
  • With the Marker testing part it is possible to display markers in the map, each of them correspond to the object picked-up or dropped
  • With the Home Service Robot final part the robot go the the marker (object) location, pick-it up and drop it in the final position

Installation instructions

code sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
code pip install rospkg
git clone <Repository>
cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash`



With this package the robot can perform SLAM and generate the map of an unknown environment.


TurtleBot Teleop:

With this package it is possible to control manually the robot for the first and the second test.


Turtlebot rviz launchers:

This package has a preconfigured Rviz with: robot model, laser range finder data, amcl particle cloud and a map.


Turtlebot Gazebo:

This package is used to import the turtlebot2 robot model into gazebo world. The default world (willow garage) is changed to world which is created using world editior.


1. SLAM testing

  • Run test_slam.sh shell script (turtlebot, teleop_keyboard for controlling the robot, rviz and gmapping will be launched).
  • Select the terminal on which teleop_keyboard has been launched.
  • Move the robot according to the terminal instructions.

Moving te robot the map is built on Rviz.

2. AMLC testing

  • Run test_navigation.sh shell script (the map was generated previously).
  • Use 2D Nav goal in Rviz.

The robot will move to the point selected.

3. Pick Objects testing

  • Run pick_objects.sh shell script.

The robot moves autonomously from the starting point to the pick-up point. Once after it reaches the pickup point it waits for 5 seconds. Now it moves towards the drop-off point.

4. Marker testing

  • Run add_marker.sh shell script to test the apperance of marker at the pick-up and drop-off location.

The marker at the pick-up point appears for 5 seconds, after that it appears at the dro- off point for 5 seconds.

5. Home Service Robot

  • Run home_service_robot.sh shell script to launch turtlebot, amcl, rviz packages, pick_objects node, add_markers node.

This is final project that incorporates all the previous parts. The robot moves autonomously from the starting position to the pick-up point. Here a marker appears. When the robot after 5 seconds starts to move toward the drop-off point, the marker disappears. Once the robot arrives at destination the second marker (simulating the dropped object) appears.