
Smart Watch Worker Plugin for Cordova

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

WatchWorker Plugin for Cordova

This is an experimental plugin for asynchronous communication between a smartwatch and its encountered mobile using HTML5 SharedWorker APIs.


For iOS

This plugin is ONLY available for iOS9.3, so please make sure that the deployment target is set to version 9.3 in your Xcode project (both project settings and target settings).

Please replace the contents in AppDelegate.m file within your Xcode project by the following lines.

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "MainViewController.h"
#import "{PRODUCT_NAME}-Swift.h"

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions
    // Launch JavaScript execution context for WatchKit apps
    [[WatchWorker sharedInstance] initializeWatchWorkerWithUrl:@"ApplicationScope.js"];
    // Launch WatchConnectivity session to allow WatchConnectivity communication
    [[WCMessageService sharedInstance] startServiceOnSuccess:nil onError:nil];
    // We launch cordova WebView at last
    self.viewController = [[MainViewController alloc] init];
    return [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];




You must initialize watchworker first to evaluate your script file in the new JavaScript context.

 * Initialize a worker instance for smartwatch
 * @parameter   {string}    url (currently is the filename of your script, without a suffix)
 * @parameter   {callback}  onSuccess
 * @parameter   {callback}  onError
watchworker.initialize(url, onSuccess, onError);

Message Sender

// Please ensure that watchworker has been successfully initialized
 watchworker.initialize(url, function() {
      * Post a message to smartwatch
      * @parameter   {string}    message
      * @parameter   {callback}  onSuccess
      * @parameter   {callback}  onError
      watchworker.postMessage(message, onSuccess, onError);
 }, onError);

Message Listener

// Please ensure that watchworker has been successfully initialized
 watchworker.initialize(url, function() {
      * Add event listener to watchworker
      * @parameter   {string}    type
      * @parameter   {callback}  callback
      watchworker.addEventListener(type, callback);
      // An example
      watchworker.addEventListener("message", function(message) {
          // TODO: message handler

     * Remove event listeners from watchworker
     * @parameter   {string}    type
     * @parameter   {callback}  onSuccess
     * @parameter   {callback}  onError
     watchworker.removeEventListener(type, onSuccess, onError);
 }, onError);


// On worker successfully initialized
var onSuccess = function () {
    watchworker.addEventListener("message", function (message) {
        // Receiving message
    watchworker.addEventListener("error", function (error) {
        // Receiving error
    watchworker.postMessage("Message from web view!");
// On worker initialization error
var onError = function () {};
// Initialize with a context inside script file named ApplicationScope.js
watchworker.initialize("ApplicationScope.js", onSuccess, onError);