
nginx time module like the map and geo module but it set a variable dependent on time

Primary LanguageC


It is very easy to use this module set a variable dependent on localtime.

Use it like nginx map module and geo module.

time_map only can use in the http block;

notice: It's a new module maybe have some bugs but you can try it.

If you find some bugs. please report it to me ,I will fix it.


sudo ./configure --add-module=ngx_http_time_map_module
sudo make
sudo make install


 http {  
      time_map $t1 {  
       default 1;   
       # After 15 o'clock every day in 2015. set 10 to $t1 
       gt  2015.*.*.15 10;  
       # the * means any.  
      time_map $t2 {  
       default 1;   
       # Befor 15 o'clock every day in 2015. set 10 to $t2 
       lt  2015.*.*.15 10;  
      time_map $t3 {  
       default 1;   
       # Between 2015.12.30.14  2015.12.30.15. set 10 to $t3 
       at  2015.12.30.14  2015.12.30.15 10;  
      time_map $t3 {  
       default 1;   
       gt  2015. 10;  
       at  2015.12.30.14  2015.12.30.15 1;  
       noat  2015.12.29  2015.12.31 2;  
    server {  
      if( $t1 = 10) {  
       rewrite .....; #maybe some other actions.  


  • time_map

Syntax: time_map $variable { ... }
Default: —
Context: http

  • default

Syntax: default default_value;
Default: —
Context: time_map

  • gt

Syntax: gt Time value;
Default: —
Context: time_map

If the request localtime is greater than the Time you set then set Value to $variable.

  • lt

Syntax: lt Time Value;
Default: —
Context: time_map

If the request localtime is less than the Time you set then set Value to $variable.

  • at

Syntax: at begin_time end_time value;
Default: —
Context: time_map

  • noat

Syntax: noat begin_time end_time value;
Default: —
Context: time_map


  • use the cached time;
  • include directive;