Multiple pages based on vue-cli3.x
Multiple pages based on vue-cli3.x
Multiple pages based on vue-cli2.x
Company Structure
Because of the update of the vue-cli, I upated my project. Thanks for the vue-cli3.x, I found that configuring the multiple pages was easier. However, since my company's structure, I added some custom settings.
- Add a new cli :
npm run site --name=[site-name]
, 'site-name' comes from in config/sites.config.js, default is 'dev'- In build/prebuild, I use the template of nginx config file (config/nginx.base.conf) to create a new configuration for production, which is deployed in docker
- Add v-router for some entries, so these entries will become a single page with front-end router
1. 增加了一个新命令:npm run site --name=[site-name],'site-name'来自 config/sites.config.js, 缺省的话就是'dev'
2. 在 build/prebuild中,我会利用nginx config模板(config/nginx.base.conf)来生成一个新的用于线上docker里的nginx.conf
3. 对于某些入口新增了v-router配置,实现多页面里某个入口单页面
Deploy(deploy files are not uploaded)
1. Static Files
npm run site --name=[site-name]
2. With Docker
In 'cli' folder, there are two deploy files. One is for building a docker image. The other is for deploying the docker image to production environment if the environment is accessible (can use ssh command)
cd [project]
bash ./cli/
bash ./cli/
Project setup
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Compiles and minifies for specified site
npm run site --name=[site-name]
Compiles and minifies an UMD UI lib (imported by scripts tag)
npm run build-lib
Compiles and minifies components with UMD style (import a single component by scripts tag)
npm run build-all
Compiles and minifies an icon lib (imported by scripts tag)
npm run build-icons
Run your tests
npm run test
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
- add a demo
- add a image for company structure
- remove unuseful file in demo
- using Chinese
- modify my english syntax
- more detail