
Primary LanguageTypeScript


MovieMuse is a web application that offers users detailed information about movies, including titles, release dates, genres, taglines, overviews, and posters. Users can create accounts, log in securely, and store their favorite movies, watchlists, and personalized preferences. They can mark movies as favorites and add them to their watchlist to keep track of movies they love and intend to watch.

MovieMuse provides personalized movie recommendations based on the favorite movies selected by the user.MovieMuse suggests similar movies that align with the user's taste and preferences. This feature helps users discover new movies that they are likely to enjoy and enhances their movie-watching experience by offering tailored recommendations.

MovieMuse offers a diverse range of movie options, including now showing, upcoming, popular, and top-rated movies. Users can explore detailed information about each movie and conveniently add their favorites to a watchlist for easy access and future viewing.

Tech Stack

Client: React, TypeScirpt, Sass,

Server: Node.js, Express, MySQL, JWT


1.Install MovieMuse with npm

  cd moviemuse
  npm install

2.Set environment variables:


3.Start the React app:

  npm run dev

API Reference



Get movies which can be selected

  GET /api/movies

Get user favourite movies

  GET /api/users/${id}
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of user to fetch

Post user favourite movies

  POST /api/movies

Get user watchlist

  GET /api/users/${id}/watchlist
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of user to fetch

post user watchlist

  POST /api/movies/watchlist

Delete user favourite movies

  DELETE /api/movies/${userId}/${movieId}
Parameter Type Description
userId string Required. Id of user to fetch
Parameter Type Description
movieId string Required. Id of movie to fetch

Delete user watchlist

  DELETE /api/movies/${userId}/watchlist/${movieId}
Parameter Type Description
userId string Required. Id of user to fetch
Parameter Type Description
movieId string Required. Id of movie to fetch


  • User login and signout
  • Select favourite movies
  • Add movies to watchlist
  • Remove movies from favourite or watchlist
  • Cross platform

Lessons Learned

While building this project, I learned the importance of data integration and API usage in creating a comprehensive movie platform. I gained experience in handling user authentication, managing user preferences and lists, and leveraging my own database and external movie databases to provide accurate and up-to-date movie information. Additionally, I developed skills in designing responsive and visually appealing user interfaces to enhance the overall user experience.

During the project, one of the main challenges I faced was the learning curve of TypeScript. Adapting to the static typing and syntax requirements of TypeScript required some adjustment, especially when integrating external libraries and managing data flow between components. To overcome this challenge, I utilized the TypeScript documentation and resources available online to deepen my understanding of the language. I also made use of TypeScript's type inference and gradually added explicit type annotations to my codebase, which helped catch potential errors early on and ensure better code quality. Additionally, leveraging TypeScript's features such as interfaces helped in maintaining consistent and predictable data structures throughout the project. Overall, through perseverance, practice, and continuous learning, I was able to overcome the TypeScript learning curve and effectively utilize its benefits in the project.
