
Low cost open source humanoid

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Open Low Cost Humanoid (WIP)

License Version

OpenLCH is an open-source ultra-low-cost humanoid robot designed for experimenting with machine learning methods for robot control. This is project is currently work-in-progress.

Using the K-Scale humanoid robotics development ecosystem, we designed our robot in OnShape, trained the PPO model in Isaac Gym, and are now transfering it onto the physical robot. Check out our public roadmap for updates here.

Our goal is to build and deploy a large amount (20-30) of small humanoid robots to the physical world and create an affordable open-source platform for humanoid research and competitions. The robot design is inspired by Robotis OP3, while the initative is inspired by Alex Koch's robot arms.

We made the first version of this humanoid robot at a hackathon in 24 hours on 2024/08/31.

Interested in updates, contributing, or building your own mini humanoid? Let us know through our interset form here: https://forms.gle/AvDzMEFUYeVNtFvj6!




Height Weight DoF
50cm 15lb 16 (5 DoF per leg, 3 DoF per arm)


OnShape: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/cacc96f8a7850b951e7aa69a/w/3a0a4ee9d8251956ba5e5e92/e/b92662619a7718ffa83530f2

URDF/MJCF: https://kscale.store/file/5b9b5eecb7ffcab1


Part Description Link Quantity Total Cost (USD) Date Decided
Serial BusServos STS3215 30KG Serial Bus Servo Link x16 222.24 9/10
Controller Milk-V Link x1 10 TBD
Servo driver board FE-URT-01 Link x1 7 10/05
IMU RP2040 MCU Board Link x1 16 10/03
Camera Milk-V CAM-GC2083 Link x1 4 10/05
Battery RC Lipos Link x1 33 Proposed
12V to 5V 12V to 5V, 3 amp capacity (may need connectors) Link x1 3 9/24
Microphone TBD x1
Molex servo connectors 5264-3p compatible connectors (or extending servo cables provided with servos) Link x1 25 10/05

Parts Assembly Guide

WIP, coming soon...

We're currently 3D printing and testing the hardware.



WIP, coming soon...

We're currently writing our firmware for sensors and controllers.


WIP, coming soon...

We're currently working on robot control that will be written in Rust for performance and safety (and enjoyment). :)


We're using the K-Scale simulation library (based on Isaac Gym) to simulate and training our robot.

Isaac Gym CAD Model

Left: URDF Model, Right: Isaac Gym Training

NVIDIA Isaac (Humanoid) Gym

We use NVIDIA Isaac Gym to simulate, train, and test the robot for locomotion based on the K-Scale simulation library.

Link: https://github.com/jingxiangmo/sim/tree/master Docs: https://docs.kscale.dev/software/simulation/isaac

To test policy in MuJoCo, you can use the following command:

export MODEL_DIR=sim/resources

python sim/sim2sim.py --load_model examples/standing.pt --embodiment stompymicro


Currently the URDF model also support PyBullet using K-Scale OnShape library: https://docs.kscale.dev/software/onshape




We use PPO to train the robot to stand and walk. The training is done in Isaac Gym with the K-Scale simulation and training library: https://github.com/jingxiangmo/sim/tree/master.



Integration of E-VLA will be in V2. For more details, please refer to the E-VLA documentation.

K-Lang (WIP)

Integration of K-Lang will be in V2. For more details, please refer to the K-Lang documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Core contributors:

  • Kelsey Pool - mechanical & design
  • Denys Bezmenov - electrical & embedded
  • Jingxiang Mo - electrical, software, & ML


  • Henri Lemoine - ML
  • Advait Patel - ML
Hackathon Team
Robot Waving
  • Kelsey Pool - Mechanical design
  • Denys Bezmenov - Electrical and software control
  • Jingxiang Mo - Mechanical assembly, electrical, and software control
  • Baaqer Farhat - Mechanical assembly, software


  • Jacob Zietek - AI/ML and simulation help
  • Saad Sharief - Teleoperation help
Last updated: 2024/09/27