Cloud physics, precipitation, atmospheric radiation, climate modeling.
Hubei Normal UniversityHuangshi, China
jingxianwen's Following
- dongliInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- dustinswalesNOAA/GSL
- GRIST-Admin
- jmuelmenPacific Northwest National Laboratory
- klein21
- kongddChina University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
- RobertPincusLamont Doherty Earth Observatory
- royalosyinNew Zealand
- takmichibataKyushu University
- wlanghansSanta Cruz, CA
- XiangleiHuangUniversity of Michigan
- xiuhongchen
- YaqiangChinese Academy of Meteorological Science
- yihsuanchen
- zhaoshy1985
- zyuying