
This homework is simply used to check if all students know how to work with git and GitHub (no credit). At the sametime, it also helps me to know you a little bit more :)

PS. 中文 or English are both fine.

Brief self-introduction [max 500 words]

I'm Jing Ya, Chiu. I am an undergraduate student from the computer science department.

Why Computer Vision? [max 500 words]

I'm recently doing a research for the undergraduate project which is related to computer vision. And Since I want to focus in computer graphic and computer vision when I become graduate student, I want to learn the basic knowledge about computer vision before graduate.

What do you want to achieve in the course? [max 500 words]

I want to learn the basic knowledge about computer vision and also accomplish some projects in this course.

Due Date: Sept. 28, 2018